***Please note that this training will be held in combination with the GROW New Teacher Training
Welcome to the Oregon Trail REN Mentor Program. Our goal is to offer the tools, resources, and training that are needed for each district to support their beginning teachers at the highest level. We look forward to working with you as you take on the role of of a mentor.
The collaborative nature of our program is designed to help mentors gain professional knowledge from training and resources AND from the expertise and experience of other mentors in our region. Mentoring is greatly beneficial to beginning teachers and students.
teachers who have mentors are twice as likely to stay in the profession then those who do not.
students whose teachers had mentors gained an additional two-five months in reading and math compared to those without mentors.
A 3 hour Foundational Training in September (with a make-up training in early October).
Trainings will be in 3 locations (Hermiston/Umatilla, Pendleton, and La Grande) to meet individual scheduling needs of the mentor teachers.
Monthly 1-3 hour after school meetings (both in person and hybrid) starting in October.
Regular communication with the program lead, Beth Naughton.